LoveSteps Tour

After viewing Home completely, and after viewing Introduction completely, we see LoveSteps in action and build the foundation for LoveSteps Courses.

Tour Contents

An image was here of a crying eye with tears.

Requirement 1 - Love in Action

When the LoveSteps kind of love is in action, it acts upon the hurts of the world. Those who mature in this love will grow in strength and compassion towards all hurts:

  1. Physical challenges: sickness, hunger, etc.
  2. Social challenges: orphans/widows, grief from loss/separation, isolation, abandonment, loneliness, hatred, discrimination, racism
  3. Mental challenges
  4. Emotional challenges: anxiety, hyper-focus, mania, violence/rage, dangerous behaviors from imbalance, paranoia, depression, sensory impairment & distraction
  5. Spiritual impairments: sloth, indifference, immorality, arrogance, etc.
  6. Resource challenges: homelessness, under-resourced
  7. Lack of vital education or tutoring
  8. Hardships: abuse, imprisonment, enslavement, oppression, etc.
  9. Disasters: genocide, crises, endangered from war or nature
An image was here of cracked dry ground with a dead tree, barren and lifeless resembling famine conditions.

Examples of Love in Action

  • A local high school football team volunteers heavy lifting of can goods at the annual food pantry event.
  • While talking with a caring teacher, a student realizes that some poor choices in the past have allowed a pattern of fear to limit the student’s potential. Processing the fears with a counselor, he becomes confident in a new, helpful skill.
  • A working mom commits to a 12 step group to overcome an addiction and finds compassionate support there.
  • Having the heart to help, a professional counselor spends hours online researching developments in an overseas famine. She learns about a good organization and how to get involved. She finds herself on a short-term trip using her mental health training to counsel traumatized famine victims.
  • After reading a Bible verse, a father decides to try to repair the relationship with his adult son.

Full maturity in love acts with healing toward the hurts of the world. LoveSteps courses train and inspire leaders in this healing love by helping others to discover passions, to develop gifts, to find opportunities, to overcome limitations, to grow in compassion, to receive healing, and other things found in LoveSteps courses.

An image was here of a man with his right hand raised to give an oath, and his other hand on a Bible.  This man is standing in front of a judge wearing a black judge robe.

Love in Action Disclaimer

It is important when looking at actions to provide a disclaimer because of potential failures. The love chapter, first Corinthians 13, has one example: “If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.” (vs. 3 NIV) LoveSteps is not liable for failures that result from actions that appear loving on the outside, but on the inside, have lost the motivation of love.

When the inner motivation of love is gone, and when there is pressure toward action, what results is a nearsighted drive to try harder and do better. This pressure emphasizes conformity to rules over healthy relationships and becomes heartless. Rules within these loveless relationships breed legalism. Legalism is a kind of performance trap that clamps down in judgment without grace. Worse yet, graceless relationships may give cause for rebellion. Relationships with these symptoms fail by yielding to fear rather than love.

Other failures result when love is lost. One failure is apathy, or just going through the motions. Symptoms of this are boredom, dissatisfaction, or disillusionment. Perhaps there are misperceptions or unmet needs? Whatever the circumstances, these motions are less fruitful actions.

Other faulty motivations are unproductive. Self-interest starts out innocent enough, but as love vanishes, what may appear are as follows: pride, greed, selfishness, envy, disrespect, hypocrisy, rage. These are poisons to relationships and lead to isolation. Therefore, the terms and conditions of LoveSteps require leaders to avoid these failures by having healthy relationships. This requirement keeps the inner motivation of love and it produces outward actions that carefully address the hurts of the world.

Requirement 2 - Steps in Action

Each step has an age-type and also each step has five dimensions. Details for the age-types of the steps are found in the courses. More details on the dimensions are below and in the courses.

An image was here of a parallel lines.  Each line represents growth from left to right. One line is for each of the 5 dimensions, and six steps above all of them illustrate how growth is happening in all of them simultaneously.

Steps Timelines

Each step of LoveSteps growth involves all dimensions (social, physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual). Consider the timeline graphic showing how growth is to be always happening in each area simultaneously. After placing the steps in time, let us place them in space.

An image was here of a ball that is wrapped entirely in ribbons of three colors.

Internal Dimensions

The mind, the spirit, and the emotions are all unseen and hidden inside. Furthermore, a good study of brain regions shows abundant entanglement with thoughts and emotions. The brain does not have exclusively mental regions or exclusively emotional regions; rather, various brain regions work together for both emotions and cognition.

Similarly, it is not possible to pinpoint a brain region that is exclusively the spirit. These three internal parts are so entirely tangled that LoveSteps training discourages attempts to truly isolate these three from each other. All three are together and internal. After we look at these three in action, we will identify the external dimensions of the self.

An image was here of two friends smiling an hugging each other from the side.

Emotional Steps in Action

Emotional maturity similarly requires actions.

  • Meditation
  • Emotional Processing
  • Exercising Emotions Freely
  • Identifying Emotions
  • Harnessing the Power of Emotions
  • Emotional Management

There is a LoveSteps course that trains leaders about steps to emotional maturity.

An image was here of gears inside the shape of a head resembling a brain thinking.

Mental Steps in Action

As an individual matures mentally, things happen.

  • Organic Development
  • Finding Teachers
  • Information Acquisition
  • Wisdom Acquisition
  • Executive Function (Acting in Wisdom)
  • Understanding Thought and the Brain

There is a LoveSteps course that trains leaders about steps to mental maturity.

An image was here of a highway road sign containing the words Core Values.

Spiritual Steps in Action

Our culture struggles to have a consensus on even the definition of spirituality. The topic of spirituality is sometimes completely avoided by parents with their own children. For these and other reasons, LoveSteps has the greatest quantity of content to address this sensitive and complicated part of the human self. In LoveSteps courses, spiritual steps are identified with a list of questions for each of the following Spiritual maturity action steps:

  • Newborn
  • Toddler
  • Youth
  • Adolescent
  • Parent
  • Grandparent

Spiritual Formation

Dallas Willard was a well-respected professor and wrote numerous books on spiritual formation. Here are a couple of thoughts from his book The Great Omission: Nothing less than life in the steps of Christ is adequate to the human soul or the needs of our world. (p11) No formula can be written for spiritual formation, for it is a dynamic relationship and one that is highly individualized. (p107) We understand that loving relationships are vital to active steps of growth and they help avoid random meandering, plotting an efficient path.

There is a LoveSteps course for each of these steps towards spiritual maturity.

An image was here of a gingerbread man shaped figure in modeling clay. There is a three colored ribbon ball located in the heart region of the gingerbread man. The color surrounding the three color ball is red. Surrounding the red gingerbread man is a yellow layer outlining the entire man.

External Dimensions

The physical and social dimensions exist in the visible world. The physical involves all parts of the human body. Regardless of race, creed, nationality, and every other human distinction, we all share a common color that powers our bodies. We all bleed red, the color that represents our physical self.

The social dimension involves action, behaviors, and habits. Also, the social connections extend externally to country, community, church, family, and even to social networks. Essentially, reputation and our social interactions are seen at great distances and are a vital dimension of the self. We need to fill this outer dimension with love, the love from the Golden Rule. Therefore, we use yellow here.

LoveSteps courses will explore how to grow in love in coordination with the physical and social dimensions. Let's look at these external dimensions in action.

An image was here of someone with boots walking up steps.

Physical Steps in Action

Physical maturity enables the capacity to love. Physical maturity is not simply growing older. It requires actions that care for the body. Following are some caring actions that enable the capacity to love:

  • Physical Exercise
  • Nutrition
  • Quality Sleep
  • Development to Adulthood
  • Stress Management
  • Clothing & Shelter
  • Homeostasis
  • Medical Care

There is a LoveSteps course that trains leaders about physical steps.

An image was here of hands reaching to share a pizza together.

Social Steps in Action

For those who mature socially, there are obvious results:

  • Improved Friendships
  • Connection to Community
  • Peace with Co-workers
  • Family Bonding
  • Compassion for all People

There is a LoveSteps course that trains leaders about steps to social maturity.

An image was here of two men with hard hats working together high up on an electric pole.

Requirement 3 - Relationships in Action

Relationships active in LoveSteps growth engage in activities such as those listed below.

  • Sharing Meals
  • Good Conversations
  • Watching Videos Together
  • Listening to Music Together
  • Creating or Working Together
  • Exercising Together
  • Hands-on Practicing Together
  • Praying, Fasting, or Journaling Together

Six Traits for Effective Relationships:

  1. LoveSteps relationships are caring, fueled by sympathy and empathy They are curious, not critical. They prioritize connection above correction.
  2. They are healthy, emotionally, and socially. Emotional expression is cultivated, not diminished. Differences are appreciated, and mistakes are nurtured as opportunities for growth.
  3. They have meetings with sufficient frequency.
  4. They balance connection and freedom.
  5. Effective relationships are mission-oriented with an ubuntu connection. Ubuntu is a Nguni Bantu term often translated “I am because we are” and describes generosity from the bond of all humanity. This means that a connection exists that enables working together despite differences. Seriously helpful conversations blossom from the soils of meaningful together time: sharing everyday-life events, eating together, playing together, serving together, praying together, meditating together.“I am because we are”
  6. Relationships need excellent communication skills, like active listening. Good communication is non-judgmental. For instance, mentors know the difference between shame and guilt. They illustrate patience, honesty, and grace, not rigidity in conflict. They are more likely to ask than to assume.
  7. Effective relationships have faithfulness and commitment.
An image was here of two ladies sitting at a table facing each other near a window.  They seem to be enjoying conversation.

Relationship Example

Nia, a mentor, has had a long day at work. At 9 pm, her daily cell alarm reminds her to pray for Lucy, her mentee. Nia then shoots Lucy a text about getting together for lunch on Saturday. After the meal, they chat about the big game last night. Naturally, Nia then asks Lucy caring questions. In conversation, Lucy shares a special need related to a struggle in life. Nia offers to pray for that need. After a brief prayer, Nia and Lucy part ways.

The next day, Nia offers Lucy options and resources related to Lucy’s struggle. Lucy is interested in some inspirational content and is thankful for the support. Over the next few days, Lucy examines some LoveSteps resources and other things Nia recommended. Nia and Lucy reconnect and discuss how life is progressing, and they recognize some insights and solutions to try going forward. Lucy is determined, sets a goal to try something, and even makes a promise about it.

At 9 pm Nia is praying again. After prayer, Nia makes arrangements for the next meeting with Lucy. At the meeting, Lucy walks in with a gloomy face. Feeling dejected, she says “I couldn’t, um didn’t, I broke my promise.” Filled with grace and kindness, Nia’s words bring assurance and hope. They discuss practical solutions, and Nia answers some questions about the inspirational content. Nia isn’t a hero or a scholar, but she cares.

Over the next couple of months, Nia keeps track of Lucy’s growth progress. This relationship has been important for both Lucy and Nia. Years later they don’t live in the same state, but they still keep in touch. Lucy even shares stories about Nia with Ella, Lucy’s mentee. Lucy has led a number of people through LoveSteps courses and wouldn’t trade the leadership of Nia for anything.

Animation was here of a four cylinder combustion engine.  This image shows how the four pistons work together to turn the drive shaft.

Four Components in Action

For review, these are the components:

  • Full-Dimensional Growth
  • Quality Leadership
  • Multi-Media Training Content
  • Global Strategy

On a regular basis, a LoveSteps leader will use the full-dimensional questions in discussions with people they are leading. The leader will continue to increase their skills in leadership. They will offer media that is most appropriate. Finally, they will make use of the strategy.

An image was here of three wooden steps on a path through a wooded area.

Component One - Full-Dimensional Growth in Action

Full-dimensional growth in action requires these three:

  1. Perspective
  2. Continuity
  3. Alignment
An image was here of a 5 separate sets of steps each with 5 steps, but the steps are shaded with colors to represent different ages of maturity in the 5 dimensions.

Full-Dimensional Growth: Perspective

One could physically be an adult and emotionally be a toddler, intellectually an adolescent, socially a youth, but spiritually be a newborn. Steps are not automatically aligned; therefore, a proper perspective grants patience and understanding.

An image was here of 5 basketball players facing each other in a tight huddle.

Full-Dimensional Growth: Alignment

The five dimensions of self each grow independently in their own respects. Growth with only one dimension is unbalanced or impossible. For instance, spiritual growth is not automatic with physical growth, but it is dependent upon the health of the body. The connection between all five dimensions is so tight that it is as if rubber bands constrain them all to each other. For example, someone could try to grow spiritually, but be pulled backward by immaturities in emotional growth. Also, a three-year-old is constrained by physical immaturities, and growth potential in the other dimensions is limited. All five dimensions of the self must work together as a team. Alignment is when all five work as one team.

An image was here of 5 steps going up each step has 5 colors, gray, red, blue, green, and yellow. Each of the 5 colors takes up more area as they grow.

Full-Dimensional Growth: Continuity

Growth steps involve all five dimensions simultaneously, not sequentially. All steps involve all dimensions. For example, spiritual growth involves all the steps, from infancy through grandparenting.

Full-Dimensional Questions

Leaders who actively encourage full-dimensional growth use questions like these, which are useful for meditation and application with LoveSteps course resources.

  • In your own words, what is this teaching?
  • What feelings arose during the content?
  • What in this content made you curious?
  • How does this relate to your friends, family, and community?
  • What physical implications arise from the content (health, sensations, aging, etc)?
  • What moral or ethical truths are present?
  • What are the facts of the content?
  • What are the mysteries of the content?
  • What are some questions you can ask about this content?
  • Where did your mind wander to, even if completely unrelated?
  • What did you enjoy and dislike?
  • What would make this content better?
  • In the content, is there anything divine or compassionate?
  • Is there anything to organize, sort out, or place?
  • What are some actions that are possible responses?
  • What do you want to do about this content?
An image was here of a group of blue pawns following a red pawn.

Component Two - Quality Leadership in Action

LoveSteps leaders gain quality in the following qualifications:

  • Leaders have leaders who lead them.
  • Leaders are themselves active in a growth path
  • Leaders communicate regularly with the LoveSteps community, especially giving feedback and making recommendations.
  • Leaders are properly trained.
  • Leaders are experienced or are gaining experience by leading.
  • Leaders submit character references.

Leaders become LoveSteps certified when they complete these qualifications.

An image was here of a two vintage cameras.  These are just artistic representations of multi-media.

Component Three - Multi-Media Training Content

To see the content in action, please take some time touring the courses section. In addition to the content itself, you will see that one of the options is a managed learning system. Some schools use learning management systems(LMS) like Canvas, Blackboard, or Moodle. Our system is simple to use and can keep track of student progress. When the number of students is small, leaders may want to bypass the LMS and have easy direct access to content. Others may make selections from the LoveSteps library to use in other scopes or sequences. The final part of this tour is viewing the courses.

An image was here of a heart comprised of a large number of international flags.

Component Four - Tour of the Global Strategy

As a review, these were the points, and they are introduced below.

  1. Dynamic
  2. Open
  3. Jesus-Centered
  4. Greats-Oriented
  5. Living
  6. Inclusive
  7. Partnership

Now, let us explain the strategy.

An image was here of a spinning wheel on which hands are shaping a pottery vase.

1. Dynamic

Considering how everyone has a unique path of growth, flexibility is vital in order to reach everyone. Content must be customizable. Therefore the content is dynamic, allowing for custom implementations. The strategy allows for a slow or fast pace. It can be linear or random in sequence. LoveSteps can be taken in simple summaries or with great depth at certain points, allowing the use of external supplemental resources. So the LoveSteps strategy is dynamic because it is flexible to areas of need, flexible to areas of interest, flexible in pace, and flexible in sequence.

2. Open

Dynamic requires openness. Cost, commerce, trade secrets, and the like have blocked the flow of good teachings about love. The first printing press gave way to big business publishing companies. But now, anyone with a smart device can access endless libraries at no cost. Openness is powering the world-wide (global) web and is important in the LoveSteps strategy.

Open here is akin to “open source” in the world of software. Here it involves transparency, freedom, and community participation.

Transparency means all resources are visible to the public, and the code involved in this site is available to those wanting to create similar works. There are no trade secrets or proprietary technologies. Furthermore, transparency means showing the sources and inspirations for LoveSteps in the credits.

An image was here of a green keyhole-like circle, the logo of the Open Source Initiative.

Freedom here means freely used, freely distributed, and freely modified. All resources are liberated with an open license and there is no cost or financial charge. Find the link to view the LoveSteps license at the bottom of most pages. The license describes permissions for sharing copies, describes giving attribution, and describes the re-licensing or selling of derivative works. This freedom enables modularity at every level and is helpful for those of diverse backgrounds to customize as needed.

Open source means that LoveSteps values community participation and community co-creation. There is not a strict authoritarian or hierarchical leadership for LoveSteps. Former students and other leaders have made contributions to shape the course curricula. Also, future users are openly encouraged to contact LoveSteps with contributions or with recommendations because LoveSteps is open to change and to improve. There is 100% freedom for any community member to reformulate any resources as desired.

LoveSteps encourages community openness in another way—by training LoveSteps leaders to utilize “Open Learning” and techniques like “Flipped Classroom.” Openness allows the leader to receive input from learner interests and allows the learner to actively problem-solve.

An image was here of a crown of thorns with three nails in the center of the circle. This is a symbol.

3. Jesus-Centered

While many leaders in history have taught about love and compassion, Jesus Christ is the most central. His impact was truly global. Love prominently arises from the healings of Jesus, the teachings of Jesus, and ultimately in his death. Jesus showed a sacrificial kind of love, and it was counter-cultural to love the outcasts and the "least-of-these." Love Steps derives inspiration and structure from Jesus' life and teachings and is therefore central in the global strategy.

An image was here of Jesus Christ teaching at a podium from a Scripture scroll.
The Great Teacher

Jesus Christ taught many things about love. The more controversial identities of Jesus are Jesus the savior, Jesus the healer, and Jesus the revolutionary. Yet all of these hinge upon love. And Jesus taught that love summarized all the teachings of the Bible.

Dallas Willard said this about Jesus the teacher: The overshadowing event of the past two centuries of Christian life has been the struggle between orthodoxy and modernism. In this struggle, the primary issue has, as a matter of fact, not been discipleship to Christ and a transformation of soul that expresses itself in pervasive, routine obedience to his “all that I have commanded you.” Instead, both sides of the controversy have focused almost entirely upon what is to be explicitly asserted or rejected as essential Christian doctrine. In the process of battles over views of Christ the Savior, Christ the Teacher was lost on all sides. (p. 109 of Great Omission)

The resulting import of the Great Teacher is that the LoveSteps courses look through the window of real love rather than attempt to split doctrinal hairs. It is far too easy to get lost in the Bible, to misunderstand what Jesus said about love, and far too easy to fail at loving with Jesus-style love.

Admittedly, everyone has a unique journey and everyone grows in different ways. However, there is a common core for students of Christ’s love. The Great Teacher’s teachings are essentially in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Special resources related to these books are found in the LoveSteps courses.

An image was here of a hand resting and pointing on a page with Bible verses.

4. “Greats”-Oriented

At the heart of LoveSteps' global strategy is two “Great” teachings. These are the Great Commands and the Great Commission. Next, we will look at these two and see why they are part of the global strategy.

An image was here of a heart shape with stripes inside of it.  The stripes are five colors, the same colors used previously to represent the five LoveSteps dimensions of self.
The Great Commandment
35 One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: 36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” 37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22:35-50 (also Deut.6:5)

inclusivity of this love. The involvement of all the heart, soul, and mind supports a full-dimensional approach. The inclusivity is of all people and their Creator. When love summarizes all divine mandates it makes that kind of love greater in substance and precludes the human tendency towards things like segregation. This commandment empowers great love to reach around the world and is vital to the strategy.

An image was here of the number one containing a man running. An image was here of the number two containing two hands shaking each other. An image was here of the number three with a figure speaking via a word bubble that contains a heart resembling the message of love.
The Great Commission
18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20

This Great is part of the strategy because of four reasons. First, the Commission provides a timeline for the process of growth. For the students of Jesus, it was after the training that there was commissioning. Notice how the LoveSteps commissioning point follows a period of training in this timeline.

An image was here of a timeline identical to the one above, but the difference is that this one is animated with arrows flashing.  The arrows mark the commissioning point in the process of spiritual growth.  This point also coincides with the beginning of the parenting step.

Second, the Great Commission created a global-ready loop. That is, Jesus provided a repeating pattern for subsequent students. This loop aims to provide healing and love to all people around the world, one step at a time. Without this Great Commission, LoveSteps will fail the global strategy.

The third reason for including this Great Commission in the strategy is because it defines success for the student. Success as a student is not simply absorbing information in training and then attempting to teach it. Success is beyond the transfer of information. It is a process of transformation in which students become disciple-makers, in which the students become healers who are on the global mission of compassion. More on this transformation is found in the courses.

The fourth reason that the Great Commission is part of the global strategy is that the commissioning gives life to the strategy.

An image was here of cellular division and multiplication.

5. Living

The global strategy has to be “living”. What does this mean? Whether it is with eggs, clones, babies, or something else, all living things replicate. This is perhaps the most important indicator of life. Even people who are infertile are actually replicating at the cellular level. To be living means numerical growth, exponential growth even; essentially, reproducing as do all living things.

How can LoveSteps be living? Just as the first 12 followers of Jesus replicated to thousands, and spread globally, affecting generations, so must LoveSteps users follow this pattern. Productivity is implied in the latter steps (parent, grandparent), which is the core of this living strategy.

An image was here of an old green door with an open sign hanging on it.

6. Inclusive

While love is universal and non-controversial, we recognize that being Christ-centered and using the Greats of Jesus will be uneasy for some people. We recognize that not everyone is Christian. It is not the goal to exclude anyone from growth in love. Therefore, the global strategy aims to build bridges between those who don’t identify as followers of Jesus.

It is a priority to build bridges that transcend the walls of religion and transcend walls of those from non-theistic values. LoveSteps resources are for all people. Resources must encourage inclusivity and promote understanding. Lastly, LoveSteps resources must learn from other perspectives, focus on common ground, and embrace humility.

An image was here of 2 hands shaking each other.  Many words are written on the hands, such as connect, communicate, cooperate, respect.

7. Partnership

LoveSteps is committed to building partnerships with organizations that share common goals. For the goal of spiritual growth, LoveSteps partners with churches. For the goal of emotional growth, LoveSteps partners with professional counselors. For the goal of mental growth, the partnership is with educational organizations. For physical growth, partnership with healthcare professionals is vital.

Image was here of a church high ceiling with ornate decoration and also sunlight shining through beautiful stained glass.

Partnership begs the question, “why not leave it to the pros entirely?” While we value teamwork, and while we intend to bring a professional quality to volunteers, there are roadblocks hindering the pros from going all in. Let’s take, for example, spiritual growth: Why not leave this to churches? Dallas Willard responds to this challenge of spiritual formation(p. 72-73 of Great Omission):

“In the face of this challenge, I know of no current denomination or local congregation that has a concrete plan and practice for teaching people to do “all things whatsoever I have commanded you.””

Churches need partnership when:

  • There is a desire to improve at Jesus's way of spiritual formation.
  • Church teachers and church leaders don't have a budget but would like to be trained for leadership.
  • Methods or strategies are lacking.
  • Jesus-style discipleship is needed to tie together good programs and good teachings.
  • Church attendance is struggling.
  • lay ministry is under-developed, inefficient, or unproductive.
  • Relationships and accountability need strengthening.
  • Resources are needed to supplement existing efforts.
  • Services for the masses are the focus, and individual growth is unclear.
  • Manpower is needed to implement a strategy of growth outside of weekend services.
  • There is stress over money, music, or material matters.
  • Congregants are well-behaved Christians but aren't becoming self-replicating leaders.
  • Congregants are a loyal party who have the right beliefs but need help with emotional growth, help overcoming addictions, or help with relationships.
  • The Great Commands and Great Commission are rarely taught or are simply not that central.
Image was here of a gas gage pointing to E for empty.

LoveSteps partnerships add Great fuel to the tank. The pros in spiritual growth, as well as the professionals in the other four dimensions, experience their own challenges. Challenges may be economic, cultural, or legal. Poor communication and lack of proper awareness also block professionals from realizing strategies of growth in Great love. Thankfully, a partnership can add Great love to tanks running low on fuel.

Image was here of a desk holding a pen, a notebook, and a laptop.

Courses Tour

LoveSteps courses present a strategy for growth and apprenticeship in the love of Jesus, empowering leaders to lead. Leaders may adapt the courses by rewording or reconfiguring to make the content more suitable. For instance, a Sunday school teacher might follow an outline from a course but change the lessons, or simply use certain videos for his or her students.

The courses have stories, lessons, questionnaires, audio recordings, reading materials, images, illustrations, and videos. The media are downloadable for offline usage.

If you are interested in helping someone with LoveSteps resources, check out the courses. If you do not have someone to help you grow in LoveSteps, contact